Past Events

"Kill the chief of the Temple of Heaven—she's not human!"

After hearing these words echo in the room, Ren Baqian's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He turned to look at Zong Shang, only to see that he had a serious face and stern eyes. The originally mild and benevolent looking face now seemed acutely determined.

"How do you know this?" Ren Baqian asked in a deep voice.

Back then, Ren Baqian had already wondered if there were foreign races in the Temple of Heaven, but he only had this as a thought in his mind. He didn't expect that this was really the case and that someone in the temple actually knew.

The seriousness in Zong Shang's face eased slightly. He walked over to Ren Baqian and moved some things on the shelf. The entire shelf slid silently to the side, revealing a tunnel.

"Please follow me."

After saying this, he went into the tunnel, took a flint from the wall, and lit a torch. The tunnel lit up instantly.