
When Zhuo Yuting heard that Yu Jiao was being redeemed, he felt as if lightning had struck him. It was as though all hope had been lost.

He quickly snapped out of his bewildered state and he felt as if a part of his heart had been ripped out from his chest. Zhuo Yuting grasped onto the woman's sleeves and asked:

"Who!? Who took Yu Jiao away!?"

"Master Zhou!" The woman tried to struggle her way out of his grip.

Zhou Yuting, in his panicked state, grasped the woman even harder. "Tell me! Who is it!?" he shouted.

"Master Zhou, you're hurting me!" the woman shouted angrily in response.

She was reluctant to reveal the truth, which made Zhou Yuting become irrationally mad and impatient. He shook his dainty body and kept shouting, "Quick! Tell me! Quickly!"

The woman felt helpless. She struggled and managed to push away Zhou Yuting's large hands to adjust her pink gown. "Master Zhou, could you please calm down?" she harshly scolded Zhou Yuting.