
When Chu Li returned, Song Liuying and Xue Ningyu immediately smiled.

"Head Chief, the four maids have been rescued and they have returned! It's extraordinary that they're all still in one piece." Song Liuying smiled and said.

Since the four maids were all quite pretty, it would have been inevitable for them to be violated when they fell into the hands of those men who were like animals. However, contrary to that, they had returned safe and sound, they must be really lucky!

Xue Ningyu grinned and said, "These girls must really be in good luck!"

Chu Li said, "They owe it all to Miss Ding Ning, who was staunch and unyielding, so much so that she could daunt those men, or else none of them will be spared!"

"Sigh… Ding Ning that girl, her temper has always been like that." Xue Ningyu shook her head and said.