
Chu Li glanced sideways. "Could you get rid of that kid for me?"

"No problem!" Kou Qiong patted his chest. "Does the young master wish to replace the rascal with someone else?"

Chu Li nodded. "The kid's rubbing me the wrong way. As such, it's time to replace him!"

Kou Qiong stated, "Just you wait, young master! I'll have this settled by tomorrow!"

Chu Li nodded his head delightedly. "Alright, then I'll be waiting for your results!"

Kou Qiong grinned broadly, "That 'lil punk is extremely arrogant. He thinks that no one would dare to touch him and that he's above everyone. Because of this, he always goes out alone to have dinner at the Nine Star Tower. Worse still, the Nine Star Tower has even obliged him by reserving an entire table just for him!"

"That does indeed sound pompous," Chu Li commented.