
Xiao Qi calmly chided, "You still have a third secret manual!"

Huang Feiyun's face morphed into an extremely horrendous expression.

Chu Li commented, "Huang Feiyun, you should know that my patience can only go so far. Don't you even think of doing this a third or fourth time, otherwise you can't blame us for having itchy fingers!"

"Fine!" Huang Feiyun sucked in a deep breath, grabbed the topmost book among a stack of them, and handed it over to Xiao Qi. "This is the real one!"

Xiao Qi rapidly skimmed through the text before handing it over the Chu Li.

Chu Li nodded, and with a smile of gratitude still hanging on his face, he said, "Your help is much appreciated, Chiliarch Huang! Let us meet again soon!"

"No thanks!" Huang Feiyun spat.