Devil Emperor Gua Pi’s Weakness

"Bloody hell?! The stone ghost mask?" On the other side, when Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal saw the image Wang Ling had sent him, his expression changed and his hands were swift as the wind as he sent several sigh and rage emojis. "Brother Ling, you're too much! You actually went looking for this stone ghost mask behind my back — how could you not ask me to come with you for something so interesting?"

Seeing Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal's reply, Wang Ling's heart was instantly at ease; it was very obvious that the other man clearly knew about the stone ghost mask's specific history.

"Has Brother Ling verified what this stone ghost mask is made from?" Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal asked before Wang Ling could ask his own question.

His reply was a short few words. "Primordial black crystal."