Don’t Lose to the Storm of First Love!

Wang Ling felt a little "fear" for the first time in his life as he looked at the beauty standing in front of him. There was no way anyone would realize that this beauty with beautiful hair and fair skin without the least hint of wrinkles was Teacher Pan, the f**king same person!

So… did that Teacher Pan with the near-bucket waist figure and grey-streaked ponytail take leave today because of her period or something?

He was a little stunned as he stared at this devastatingly gorgeous Teacher Pan — it felt like being unable to recover from watching a horror film.

Even if this was just like putting on makeup, how could it transform her to this extent?!

Looking at Teacher Pan, he suddenly remembered the three great witchcraft spells that were desperately sought after now by all female cultivators: plastic surgery, Photoshop and makeup cosmetics…