If the World Insults Me, Curses Me, Betrays Me, What to Do?

Given Wang Ling's current realm, even his clone possessed immense energy, and in order to control such energy, he would inevitably have to use his original body's spiritual force.

How the f**k was he going to be able to binge watch his TV show comfortably?!

When Wang Ling sensed those ten Soul Formation auras outside, it felt like he had been duped by Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal once again.

He had thought that all he would be doing was guarding the stone ghost mask for a bit until Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal returned from the parent-teacher conference, which was why he had just sent a clone.

Who would have thought that Landscape Manor that bunch would actually dispatch ten people, and furthermore all of them were at the the Soul Formation stage…

Of course, if his real body had been here, he would have had absolutely nothing to worry about.