I, Internet Celebrity Father Wang, Am a Fierce Man of Few Words

There was a saying that God helped those who helped themselves, which Father Wang thought fit the current situation very well.

In the end, Loopy Toad dragged this experienced Officer Wang away by one of his boots…

It so happened that Wang Ling had just got home from school; as soon as he opened the door, he saw Loopy Toad's back legs as it gripped Officer Wang's boot between its teeth and rudely dragged him out of the house; the experienced Officer Wang was utterly discomfited as he yelled, "We part-timers also have human rights!"

Right after he said this, Loopy Toad gave the man a godly dog tail whip and then directly punched him in his round belly with a dog fist. Then, Wang Ling saw this man's body, which had to be over two hundred jin in weight, fly more than twenty meters through the air until he landed with his butt sticking up in a weird, gay-looking pose.

Wang Ling: "…"