It’s Impossible to Eat and Not Get Fat

It was June 1st on Tuesday in the sixth week of school.

It happened to be Children's Day today. On the way to school, Wang Ling noticed a lot more brats on the streets due to the holiday.

When he arrived at class in the morning, Dopey Guo had already finished copying his homework and had started to put on a show as he pretended to stroke his beard and sigh that time and tide waited for no man. "… Ah, I'm getting old, getting old! We can't even celebrate Children's Day! Do you know, according to the Cultivation United Nations' latest age classifications, at our age… we have already entered the midlife crisis!"

When he heard this, Super Chen felt indescribably grieved. He actually thought he looked quite young and not at all old. Since he absorbed himself in fitness and sports every day, he had a sinewy body that boys were envious of.

Sexy muscles and lines would boost any man's appeal!