This Guy Was Doing It on Purpose!

Wang Ling stared blankly at this scene. He was sitting in the shade of a tree as he pretended to be resting. This should have been a very inconspicuous position. But Wang Ling had miscalculated, because this position happened to put him opposite Fang Xing, and they were actually quite close to each other.

As a result, Teacher Ye had barely finished speaking before Fang Xing had straightaway walked toward Wang Ling.

"This classmate, can you lend me your sword for a bit?" Fang Xing smiled with a natural and relaxed expression.

Deep down, Wang Ling in fact wasn't willing to do so. For a cultivator, their personal magic treasure was quite a private thing. And, most crucially, Jingke was very special to Wang Ling.