“Open Cabinet and Kill” Should Also Follow The Basic Rules!

As Lie Mengmeng had said, the zombies in the Escape game fell into three categories, from minions, to fatties, to Voldemorts as the highest level. As depicted in typical zombie movies, the zombies here lacked intelligence. The reason why Voldemorts were ranked top in the game wasn't just because they were extremely fast; the key point was that they had some intelligence and could gauge how dangerous a situation was.

Hence, the instant the Voldemort locked eyes with Wang Ling…

This Voldemort's thoughts started to spin, the images flashing continuously through its mind like a film roll. People often said, no matter your species, that your best memories would flash before your eyes before you died…

However, this Voldemort quickly came to its senses, and at the same time, it started sweating like a fountain as it avoided Wang Ling's gaze.