Ling Zhenren’s Intrinsic Spirit Field

In that instant, Master of Immortal Mansion Cheng Yu finally understood what true despair felt like.

His eyes had sunken in, making him look decades older, and even his hair had turned gray in a blink of an eye. In one short instant just now, over a thousand spirit swords had terminated their contracts with him at the same time, and his jade palace meridian felt like it was on fire, causing endless agony.

Cheng Yu now understood a little better what kind of person the other party was. If the familiar which he had accidentally summoned back then had been a supreme cheat bestowed on him by the heavens, then this guy standing in front of him was a genuine renminbi player!

In that moment, he finally realized that this was a meaningless fight — since the beginning, he had never had the slightest chance of winning!

"Who on earth… are you?"