My Cellmates and Me...

It was June 30th on Friday in the tenth week of the semester.

During the morning self-study period, Dopey Guo said suddenly, "Did you hear? Yesterday, a girl from Prime Elevation High School had been dragged off by someone suspected of being a member of Shuigou Sect."

"Mm, of course. It went viral on WeChat Moments." Little Peanut nodded. "The girl said that she had been on her way home from school when a man had tried to take her away. That person lied that he was her father. The scariest thing was that no one passing by had stopped him…"

"Even upright officials can't resolve family disputes! To a lot of people, it looked like a family matter, so naturally they didn't want to get involved. That girl would have been in danger if Odd Zhuo hadn't come in time," Dopey Guo said. "The man they caught is now the biggest breakthrough they've had in the whole Shuigou Sect affair!"

"Senior Zhuo is really awesome!"