Daoist Taotie

It was July 1st on Saturday in the tenth week of the semester.

It was another peaceful morning…

Wang Ling found the class group chat especially lively that morning. Usually, no one would talk in the chat at all. For most of them, it was just for sharing documents. After all, Dopey Guo covered all the various topics of conversation during the morning self-study period.

And most importantly, when they had created the group, some idiot had added Teacher Pan, which made it very awkward.

Perhaps because there had been a lot more gossip than usual lately, the group chat had exploded that morning.

When Wang Ling opened the chat, he found that his number of unread messages had become 99+. Anyone could tell that this was probably because of new developments in the Shuigou Sect matter.

He scrolled through the messages and saw a string of them from Dopey Guo.