Bro...ther Fang Xing?

It was past ten o'clock at night, and Wang Ling and Fang Xing were dealing with the array when Wang Ming sent word that Xiao Yuncheng was now under control. Furthermore, they had also captured a mid-level member of Shuigou Sect, Chou Shisi. After a preliminary interrogation, however, they had discovered that he indeed knew very little.

Despite this, Wang Ling at the very least now knew something that could be considered pretty important, and that was that Shuigou Sect's hierarchy was based on appearance. Wang Ming had taken a photo to send to Wang Ling, and had even used the beauty filter so that it wasn't too vomit-inducing… but even with the filter on the maximum setting, this face was still incredibly horrific to look at.

The middle-aged man who had been arrested in the park previously for kidnapping young girls had also been very ugly, but at the very damn least he still had regular features… In comparison, this Chou Shisi's features just looked like paste!