Is Refining Artifacts That Hard?

Seeing the resources on refining artifacts piled up on the floor, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal slowly put down the books he was holding, then obediently sat down on the floor and took a deep breath.


After careful consideration…

He decided to forget everything that he had seen…

He couldn't imagine how heartbroken Fatty Luo would be if he saw this scene.

When had it start to become possible to teach yourself to refine artifacts as if it was a science? Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal thought it was extremely mystical. This was an art that had always been handed down through the generations in the cultivation circle, and which was as old as the skill of refining pills… Then, did that mean that Brother Ling could teach himself to refine pills?

At this thought, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal silently wiped at his sweat.

Of course, Wang Ling wasn't human!

It really seemed that nothing was impossible for him.