Why Is the Entire World Against Me, Little Silver...

Little Silver stared at the screen, deep in thought. For some reason, he felt like he had seen this green dog leg somewhere before…

After the thought floated around inside his brain for a long time, realization finally dawned on Little Silver; this dog leg… didn't it belong to Master's dog?!

Sure enough…

He had been tricked, right…?

Little Silver felt his holy beast heart sustain a heavy blow. What was meaning… what was love… where on earth was the basic trust between beasts?

On the sofa, he looked up at the ceiling as his heart gave a roar of despair and the tears streamed down his cheeks.


At that moment, when the door of the villa opened as Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal returned home, he saw a silver-haired young man with despair all over his face pound the ground as he cried bitterly…