Responsibility... Shows up on Its Own!

Evil Sword God might have been captured, but the incident was suppressed in the end given his identity. As for the unusual large-scale blackout and the malfunctioning electronic equipment in the area, Songhai city's Electricity Department ultimately took responsibility for it. A notice about the accident was posted the following day which explained that it had happened because of faulty equipment; in the end, only those who had been personally involved knew what had actually happened.

That night, not long after Evil Sword God was detained, Odd Zhuo received two phone calls.

The first was from his old leader, Secretary Dakang.

"Hello, Little Zhuozi…"

Odd Zhuo had already gone from being overwhelmed at hearing the old secretary's intimate address in the beginning to being completely used to it.

Odd Zhuo nodded. "Yes, it's me, secretary."