Meeting Is the Destiny Which Is Too Wonderful for Words...

The bullet messages on the live stream screen instantly burst into exceptionally delighted laughter following Little Brother GAYLIGAYQI's professional gym marketing cry.

"Does this little brother work as a fitness instructor?"

"Not necessarily, he might have had a part-time job distributing leaflets before…"

For a while, many people couldn't help trying to guess the little brother's identity.

Based solely on his performance earlier, the little brother's marksmanship could be said to be very bad, to the extent that Wang Ling thought it was on par with Jiang Bai, the son of the head of the Kitchen Knife Sect at school, and his body outline-tracing arrows. However, this passer-by little brother was very entertaining and seemed quite funny.

However bad a player you were, being able to entertain the audience while gaming was number one.

Even live stream gamers were divided into entertainment and professional live streamers.