Daoist Guang’s Figurine Plan

Wang Ling didn't watch Daoist Guang's live stream to the end. After all, the exams were coming soon, and even if it was him, it was still important to study for them. Most crucially, for Wang Ling, they weren't purely just exams, but a game where he had to precisely control the final exam results…

His scores could neither be low nor high. If they were low, his teachers would be unhappy. If they were high, Father Wang would have a heart-to-heart chat with him.

He had already done the revision for the Dao talismans class, and could more or less manipulate his score so that it would be above the class average. Teacher Pan never set her papers the normal way, and was very fond of including questions not covered in the syllabus. To Wang Ling, these questions were actually very simple, but he couldn't answer them!