Jinbei Ignored

This retreat was an instinctive response to a strong threat!

It was a completely involuntary reaction!

As expected…

After doing this test, Loopy Toad could basically confirm it.

The Bone King's power of intimidation didn't affect just dog-type spirit beasts, it could probably suppress all spirit beasts to some degree! The effect was just more obvious with dog-type spirit beasts!

After coming to this conclusion, both Wei Zhi and Loopy Toad felt very confident.

Wei Zhi: "Brother Dog! Go! It's a rare opportunity!"

The 'rare opportunity' Wei Zhi was talking about referred to the chance for Loopy Toad to familiarize itself with the use of its magic treasure. If you wanted to increase your rapport with your magic treasure, actual combat was usually a more effective way! There was a saying that practice brought forth true knowledge, and this was true of cultivation.