You Saying Nothing Doesn’t Mean Ling Zhenren Doesn’t Know

When it thought about how it had almost been unable to control the urge to piss on the Holy Pillar, Dog Two still had some lingering fear — it had actually almost become the third generation Demon Saint!

Loopy Toad used to think that there were all sorts of benefits from becoming Demon Saint. But now it didn't seem as simple as it had thought. The lack of freedom was truly unbearable…

As it departed, Dog Two felt deep sympathy for Second Generation Demon Saint. It didn't bother asking Second Generation Demon Saint why he had pissed on the Holy Pillar. Everyone had their own secrets, and it was very clear that this was a very humiliating history…

Why did Second Generation Demon Saint piss on the Holy Pillar… only Second Generation Demon Saint himself knew the reason.