To Be Or Not to Be

Even Wang Ling never expected Devil Valley to be openly selected as the site for the school summer camp this time. For this type of 5A state-protected secret land, even specialist teams from state organizations had to go through layers of bureaucratic tape, and even then their applications might not necessarily be approved. But this time, Devil Valley had been directly opened as a summer camp site for students, which Wang Ling thought was a little outrageous.

He knew that Fatty Luo had coveted this place for a long time. In order to look for the main ingredient, the "One Thousand Dried Bone," to create a scabbard for Jingke, Fatty Luo had started to make plans to enter Devil Valley several months ago, and had taken an exam for his expert certificate. Fatty Luo had been painstakingly planning this for so long, but in the end this opportunity to enter Devil Valley had fallen into Wang Ling's lap like it was nothing…

Vaguely, Wang Ling had a bad feeling.