Make a Deal With Heavenly Dao

Wang Ling remembered how he had suddenly seen the transmutation array for equivalent exchange in a dream, similar to how he gradually came to comprehend Heavenly Dao as he grew older. While very few Heavenly Dao had awakened inside Wang Ling's body when he was three years old, in front of the golden three-inch man, he hadn't felt the slightest bit of fear.

If the golden three-inch man was the embodiment of the will of Heavenly Dao, then who on earth was Wang Ling?

This was a question Wang Ling himself had pondered all this time over the years.

Everything had a cause and effect; there had to be a reason why he could sit face to face like this with the embodiment of the will of Heavenly Dao and not feel the slightest bit of turmoil in his mood.

But Dog Two and the gremlins he had enchanted were agitated, and even felt fear, which was the normal reaction.