Little Silver’s First Assignment

Obviously, Little Silver had been duped.

As for why Dog Two knew about this kind of thing, it was a long story: the cell phone which Loopy Toad was using now had been Father Wang's before. When he had given Loopy Toad the phone, he hadn't logged out of his online shopping account.

Loopy Toad remembered opening it by accident and had just happened to see this thing in the history records at the time.

There actually had been a lot of information on it, and Loopy Toad had stared at the screen in shock for a very long time back then before pretending it hadn't seen anything and logging out of the account. Loopy Toad felt that it still knew a little more about the ways of the world than Little Silver; if it had joked about this back then… Father Wang would definitely have kicked it out of the house.

After all, that was when it hadn't been at the Wang family's small villa for very long yet.