Little Silver’s New Inspiration

Clear Sky Knife Luo… Little Silver felt like he had heard this title from somewhere; it sounded very familiar!

Because Grandfather Wang had been occupied these last few days with honing his knife skills, Mother Wang was now responsible for making all the meals in the Wang family. Ever since she stopped writing to become a housewife, she actually learned a lot of life skills. Apart from managing the household, she spent all her free time taking all kinds of qualification exams.

Mother Wang had taken especial care with the dishes tonight and had meticulously planned the pairing of the meat and vegetables.

The first dish was crystal radish. This was an imported ingredient which was very expensive. However, it just so happened to be on sale today, and she had bought two of them in passing. One she saved for another time, while she sliced the other and stir-fried it with shredded meat. She called this dish: stir-fried radish king.