You Can Do Whatever You Want If You Have a Bit of Strength?

Things were progressing according to the head of state's plan. This was General Yi's most powerful sword, and unless he used his strongest sword attack, it would be impossible for him to break open this infinite intrinsic spirit field.

From the very beginning, this had been the head of state's goal.

This was a truly mind-blowing scene. In today's peaceful era, when could you casually see a great battle of True Immortals like this? When General Yi swung his sword, it looked just like major special effects, which made Father Wang's heart ripple when he saw it.

This immense mass of qi turned into a solid force that coalesced along the blade. Sword qi whistled past in the blink of an eye, and the golden-red sword light flared up, directly tearing open the second space layer. The volcanoes in the scene almost instantly crumbled into rock, disintegrating again into finer particles and then into dust which was then sucked into the space fissure…