Little Silver’s Skin!

These two days, there was one more person at Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal's villa.

It was the human form of the Wuji Umbrella's weapon spirit, a young lady called Wuji.

In theory, weapon spirits didn't need to eat, but Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal was happy that Wuji was very fond of eating broccoli.

It was July 27th on the fourteenth Thursday of the semester.

Wuji was perfectly content as she ate two full basins of assorted broccoli salad. Her face all wrapped up in bandages, she would only remove the lower half when she ate. Despite the fact that they didn't know what she actually looked like, it was easy to tell, just from the lower half of her face, that Wuji was a very pretty girl.

"Are the other holy beasts truly no more?" Little Silver cupped his chin and gazed fixedly at Wuji.