Sky-Battering Cry

Wu Zhenjun's Sky-Battering Cry was the unique technique which had made Irascible Dharmaraja famous.

When they had been trading words earlier, Wang Ming had already used Wang Ling One to analyze Wu Zhenjun's data.

Looking at the global database in the Head of State 001 microchip, Wang Ming could easily investigate the data on Wu Zhenjun's past battles and do an analytical comparison to understand the skill which Wu Zhenjun was best at.

The Sky-Shattering Cry was a high grade, level four sound wave spell.

This wasn't his most powerful technique; this was the fifth of all the skills he was the most proficient in.

When it was aimed at a vital point, it could easily shoot dead a Nascent Soul expert.

Wang Ling One could easily obtain the data on all the skills which Wu Zhenjun had demonstrated in public before from the global database.