Sending Out Hero Invitations

"Two billion… so much…" Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal's mouth was so wide open that he could probably fit an entire egg inside.

Two billion immortal gold! This investment was too ridiculous!

This already wasn't just about owning a mine at home anymore…

Ah Mai, the person-in-charge, cleared his throat. "As expected, Senior Immortal is a person who has seen much of the world. A typical small boss would have absolutely fainted on the spot after hearing this amount. This proves that you are indeed worthy of receiving this angel investment."

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal: "…"

No, it was just that he had been so astonished that for a moment, he had forgotten to pass out!

As they were chatting, Ah Mai glanced at Wang Ling, who had changed his appearance. "May I ask, Senior Immortal, this is…?"

"This is Ling Zhenren, our sect's future visiting official as well as one of our main executives," said Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal.