A Gift From Wang Ling

Calling the parents was a common skill which teachers-in-charge had in their arsenal. Usually, students might be unsettled when their parents were contacted, but sometimes this trick worked extraordinarily well to make students rectify their behavior. Junior high school was a rebellious period, when students reacted badly to teachers calling their parents. The situation was a little better in high school, and Teacher Pan always believed that children in the elite class in particular should have strong mental endurance!

Of course, when a teacher-in-charge said they would call a student's parents, this was in many cases purely a scare tactic.

As long as a student corrected their attitude, the teacher would let it go later.

But Teacher Pan was different…

As a pioneer teacher at No. 60 High School, it could only be said that Teacher Pan was Teacher Pan… If she said she was going to call the parents, she meant it! And she always kept her word!