Wang Ling Opens His Mouth to Speak!

There was a Cosmic God Tree sapling in the center of each of the ten universes, but the Cosmic God Tree in the seventh universe had the most robust growth. Everything had gotten out of hand in this universe since eight thousand years ago, from the moment Star Monarch Gu Yuan, who was Gu Cheng's father and Gu Shunzhi's grandfather, took a piss there.

After that…

Six thousand years ago…

Five thousand years ago…

Four thousand years ago…

More and more people visited the Cosmic God Tree at the center of the seventh universe, and the scariest thing was that if they weren't Dao Masters, then they were Dao Gods… Traveling solo through the universe, they could never find a place to take a piss. This piss contained their primordial qi and couldn't be sprayed just anywhere. Besides, relieving themselves wherever they liked was very impolite!