Frightened Devil Gut Fungus Lord

Devil Gut Fungus Lord retreated.

He felt that the man in front of him was a little tricky.

He didn't know very much about the human world, but Devil Gut Fungus Lord thought that given his strength, he could absolutely rank among the top ten fighters in the world at the moment. However, his Super Bacteria Wave barrage just now had been dispelled so easily by this man with long black hair and in traditional attire in front of him – the other party was clearly no weaker than him, or maybe even stronger…

Hence, the only thing Devil Gut Fungus Lord could think of right now was to drag out the fight.

His strength depended on the number of bacteria in his body. The more new bacteria were produced, the stronger he would be, and he would continue to grow over time.

But whether his plan to drag out the fight would go so smoothly…

That remained to be seen.