The Dream Projection of the Mind

Wednesday, August 23rd.

It was the tenth day of the summer break.

When Odd Zhuo finally woke up from his drunken stupor that morning, he felt something under him. Hm… it was meaty and soft.

He had been dreaming about Wang Ling just now, and had even pinched his shifu's face in his dream. His shifu usually had a poker face and seldom smiled, but last night, Odd Zhuo had dreamt his shifu had smiled and had actually given him a lot of words of encouragement.

Odd Zhuo couldn't help himself and had pinched his dear shifu's little face (It was something he had long wanted to do, but never had the guts.).

As expected, dreams were the best! Anything could happen in a dream!

Thus, as he was pinching Wang Ling's face, Odd Zhuo woke up with that soft and fleshy feeling still in his memory. His shifu's face was clearly thin, but why did it feel so nice to pinch?