Establishing Diplomatic Relations With Alien Planets

In the divine realm, countless phantoms roamed the air.

Jingbai opened a new passage in the air with a flick of his fingers, stepped through, and left. Every single one of the trembling phantoms let out sighs of relief at having survived the disaster. All sorts of emotions tangled together: panic, shudders, joy… Their feelings resonated, and in an instant, soared to a sublime level!

A golden ball of light slowly coalesced in the sky as petals wafted through the air. Formidable godly power spread out, and the phantoms nearby all kept away, not daring to come close.

Hundred-Winged God folded his wings and kowtowed to the golden ball of light. "Lord Thousand-Winged God…"

The ball of light, which was a manifestation of Thousand-Winged God's consciousness, spoke in a voice that shook and echoed incessantly in the divine realm. "Is he finally gone…"

"He's gone, Lord God…"

"He's gone, at long last…"