Group Leader Detention Island

As group leaders in the water army under the Governor, they were assigned Internet cafes from which they had to log into their accounts. The Internet cafe in Crow County was located in a very remote area.

It was a small county town with some parts that were still underdeveloped, and which engaged mainly in agriculture and animal husbandry. Most of the pork Zhai Yin used to fry dragon pork chops was imported from Crow County.

Well… That was to say, the dragon pig which this little Crow County bred had almost poisoned and killed the Ten Founding Generals…

When the Internet cafe's doors slid open, all eyes turned to a delicate and pretty-looking young lady. She was very tall, had fair skin, and had long hair which fell down to her waist, giving people the sense of first love.

"What a comely young lady…"

"She's probably not from our Crow County, is she? Crow County only has a few pretty girls."