An Unexpected Development

The moment he punched his eye, Evil Sword God glowed with boundless radiant light in the midst of the group, like Daigo transforming into Ultraman Tiga. Intangible sword qi swept out, blasting away the countless fat shut-ins around him like sand.

When this powerful momentum descended, these group leaders on Detention Island clammed up. For one moment, those who had advanced on and harassed Evil Sword God, as well as those who had been making noise on the side, froze on the spot and didn't dare move.

"You arrogant bunch, you actually dare make fun of this lord?

"Actually dare make fun of this lord?

"Dare make fun of this lord?

"Make fun of this lord?

"This lord?



The familiar echo resounded throughout Detention island. Sword qi swept out in all directions, cutting the clothes on dozens of fat shut-ins to ribbons.