Benchi Sword

Whoever the young man was or what his purpose might be, the resurrection of President Bai and Devil Gut Fungus Lord was a serious issue. These were two very troublesome enemies. Devil Gut Fungus Lord would continue to become stronger with time, while President Bai had a terrifying self-recovery ability.

If they were to revive, Wang Ling would have to slap them several more times – how tiring!

He sighed inwardly.

So, the best way to prevent this from happening was to strangle these guys in the cradle at the very beginning.

And that mysterious teenager with unusual powers was his only lead right now in tracking down those two individuals.

"Any leads on that teenager?" Wang Ling asked.

In a rare instance, Wang Ling chose to open his mouth rather than speak telepathically, which indicated how seriously he viewed this matter. And since Guo Ping had already joined their party, there was no longer anyone in the noodle shop who was an outsider.