The Legend of Little Chick

Backed by an unknown power, the sudden attack by the shadow army previously had caught not only Wang Ling but practically everyone off guard. The strangest thing for Wang Ling was that he hadn't felt any sense of foreboding before it happened – even his eyelid hadn't twitched.

Wang Ling vaguely felt that there was something unusual about it.

In any case, he had already planned to get to the bottom of the matter and couldn't afford to put it off any longer.

Borrowing Mother Juan's map, Wang Ming and Guo Ping divided the work between them and touched up their own map of the Palace of Mirrors before projecting it in the air as a holographic image. The Five Great Altars were located in five different positions on the map: connecting them together created a perfect circle.

Wang Ming examined the map carefully and began to mark it. It had to be said that Wang Ming was quite sharp. Looking at the marks, everyone's eyes instantly lit up.

"This is…"