Immortal She Pi’s Words

With so many experts taking action at the same time, they took control of the warped Five Great Altars in the Palace of Mirrors very quickly.

Only the Altar of Fire was left…

The Altar of Fire envoy seemed to still be putting up a stiff resistance, but the altar's distorted nature had in fact already been fixed by Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal and the others. Now, the Altar of Fire envoy was nothing more than a spent arrow and wasn't a threat at all.

What everyone had to do next was execute the five altar envoy substitutes at the same time, and the guardian envoys who had been murdered by the shadow army previously would be resurrected by Divine Dao and would take back their positions. The Five Great Altars would recover their strength, and the Palace of Mirrors would become peaceful once again.

"Senior Immortal, aren't we going to act now?" Cailian Zhenren asked. She was worried that some mishap would happen if they continued to delay.