One Becomes Ten, Ten Becomes A Hundred

Wang Ling never thought that there would actually come a day when he would name his own little brother or sister. In fact, he never thought Father and Mother Wang would have a second child; Wang Ling was unable to clearly see his own future. His life thread was blurry, and he was only just able to avoid calamities because of his twitching eyelid warning sign and some precognitive abilities.

Actually, Wang Ling was looking forward to having a real sibling. Whether the baby in Mother Wang's belly was a younger brother or sister, Wang Ling felt that as an older brother, there was no way he would be like Wang Ming and always try to "bully" his little brother or sister.

He had to get along very well with his sibling.

Was the little one in the womb a boy or a girl? Would it like to eat crispy noodle snacks with Wang Ling? Would it also be born with unusual gifts? Wang Ling couldn't wait for all of it.

As for why he chose the name "Wang Nuan."