Lotus Sun’s Constitution

What was the ideal way to spend time with your best friend? It was probably like Feather Lin and Lotus Sun's relationship: going to the bathroom hand-in-hand and strolling arm in arm through the mall with bags of different sizes.

This was the typical ideal of a best friend.

Especially during the holidays; was there anything better than going shopping together?

Feather Lin and Lotus Sun walked arm in arm. Their trip to the mall today was very fruitful. This Huaguo Cultivation Mall was also a large shopping mall chain under Huaguo Water Curtain Group. If you brought Lotus Sun along to buy stuff, her face could get you a discount.

A lot of shop assistants didn't know Lotus Sun's true identity, but they were shocked when they saw this girl, who looked like she was still in high school, take out a diamond card from her storage pouch.