The Hostage Situation at Magic Treasure Development University

Actually, it wasn't as difficult to meet Wang Ling as some might imagine… Those familiar with him knew that as long as you made sure to prepare crispy noodle snacks beforehand, you could even video chat with your beloved Ling Zhenren! Of course, he wouldn't say a word during the video chat, and would stare at you with those cute, round dead fish eyes of his, firmly capturing your heart.

To look into a person's heart, there were a lot of times when you just needed to look into their eyes. The eyes were the window to the soul, and even Wang Ling was no different. Actually, his eyes were a little special because of the King's Eye, and his pupils could appear red. But there were plenty of cases in the cultivation world of eyes changing color as a result of cultivating different Foundation Establishment kungfu, so eye color wasn't considered a problem.