A Cockroach’s Tenacity!

To be honest, the moment there were unusual fluctuations, everyone almost stopped breathing. Inside the witness protection room, Miss Little Liang was even more nervous. After all, she was only two years old and still growing… Of course, the regular lifespan of a normal cockroach was roughly two years, but it was different in the cultivation world – Miss Little Liang was already two, but according to the life expectancy for cockroaches in the cultivation world, she was still just a child.

By the way, Miss Little Liang was in fact Cockroach Wenqiang's daughter, with the full name Cockroach Little Liang.

If Cockroach Wenqiang hadn't insisted, Little Liang would never have left her dark and damp little cave to testify for a human. Cockroaches and humans had always been at odds, and to this day, Miss Little Liang still remembered being chased and hit by humans.