The Legend of Ah Wei

What Loopy Toad said wasn't an empty threat, but the truth.

As has already been explained countless times, Heavenly Dao stressed the principle of equivalence. For those who didn't finish their homework properly, didn't do it all, or even copied homework during their mortal lives, they would automatically enter a remedial classroom after they died to finish the homework they hadn't completed. Unless they finished all the homework they missed in their nine years of compulsory education, they couldn't enter the natural cycle of reincarnation.

Although the little girl was young, she looked like she should already be in her fourth year of primary school. Primary schools nowadays also assigned a lot of homework; whether this girl had finished hers or not, Loopy Toad didn't know. In any case, if she hadn't, she would most likely still have to do it after she went to heaven.