Finally, Dog Two’s Human Form

The situation was far beyond Immortal Zhenyuan's expectations. The Flame of the Universe was one of the most intelligent flames in the cosmos; logically speaking, there was nothing for it to be afraid of in an ordinary situation. That it could actually be frightened was unbelievable to Immortal Zhenyuan.

"Senior Dog, who on earth is this senior…"

Now that things had come to this point, Loopy Toad felt that it could no longer maintain its pretext as a "senior," and could only tell Zhenyuan the truth: "This is my master."

This young man was actually Senior Dog's master…

Zhenyuan was predictably gobsmacked.

Senior Dog was already so strong… Then, wouldn't its master's power be explosive?

Seeing that Zhenyuan was surprised, but not angry, Loopy Toad also thought it was unbelievable. "You're not angry?"