Yin and Yang Death Calamity

The assistant sighed silently – so the chairman had actually been asking about the boy's age.

It was his thinking that was too dirty!

It was those old-timers in the company who had led him astray during team-building activities in past years… the slightest hint would make him automatically think of something dirty. That group proclaimed that life was full of bitterness, when really, it was the people that got a kick out of sexual innuendo who were the root of all evil.

The assistant recalled Wang Ling's birthday, but just like earlier, he couldn't utter it even though it was clearly on the tip of his tongue. Helpless, he could only make up a date. "I remember it's at the end of the year? He was born in the same year as the young lady."

"The end of the year…" Old Man Sun pondered; he didn't expect the boy whom his granddaughter liked to have an unexpectedly compatible birth date.