Survival Expert San Yuan

Tuesday, November 11th.

After "knowledge of spirit plants" and "knowledge of the opponents," Headmaster Chen gave Wang Ling and the other students participating in the competition the third lesson in the special training class: "combat training."

Headmaster Chen already spent a day covering pretty much all the main points in the first two lessons; it would be up to Wang Ling and the others to go back and memorize as much of the rest of the content in the handouts as possible.

The body technique exchange meet had been upgraded to a national level competition, and No. 60 High just so happened to be on the cusp of being promoted to a key city high school, so Headmaster Chen really wanted No. 60 High to shine during the competition. If he could raise No. 60 High up a notch during his tenure as headmaster, it would be a huge advantage in his career in the future as well as for the students and teachers here.