Conch Lady

Like Lotus Sun said, there were a lot of businesses under Huaguo Water Curtain Group. Its main business was pills and medicine, but thanks to abundant profits and the company's renowned influence in the pills and medicine industry, Huaguo Water Curtain Group used this fortune to quickly expand into various other fields: film and television, e-sports, food, shopping malls… Huaguo Water Curtain Group's fingers could be seen in practically every popular pie.

This "Conch Lady" seafood restaurant chain, for example, was in fact owned by Huaguo Water Curtain Group, but many people didn't know this.

Lotus Sun wanted to eat with the others in a neutral setting. She had relaxed a little when Headmaster Chen gave them the money for food, but why had things turned out like this?

"Classmate Lotus Sun, you don't look very good." Li Youyue asked, "Is it because you can't eat seafood?"